Chapter 7, page 2190.

Happy anniversary, Sam. This honeymoon is perpetual, and I am so very grateful.

Sometimes, my world seems suffocating, but you walk into the room, and you are the oxygen mask to my overwhelm.

When I am overwhelmed with the world around us – the political anger, the work-related stresses, the medical keeping up, the worry and concern regarding our children – you hold my hand and wrap your arms around me and pass on fresh air with a sense of security for my inner panic and distress.

Your sense of calm in a storm allows me to step back and breathe deep, recognizing our many blessings.

When we made this commitment to each other six years ago, we had no idea that we would face a major life-changing move, a world-shattering medical diagnosis, job crises, and re-entry into active parenting. Through it all, our commitment and our relationship has been rock solid.

I will never ever forget your resolve to make this marriage an equal partnership, to walk beside me, not in front of me, to include me in the decision-making and ask my opinion when it comes to all things important. You patiently taught me about finances, about simple home repair, about growing wealth, about abandoning the drama and living life intentionally because life is too short, and you encouraged my new-found independence and cheered me on as I discovered a forgotten Rhonda.

I am so very grateful that you hold my hand during prayer. I am so very grateful that you treasure your faith in God and it is a priority in our marriage. I am so very grateful that certain hymns cause your eyes to well up with tears. I am so very grateful that attending church is important to you. I am so very grateful that you put up with my reading out loud so that you can learn what I am also learning.

I love you, Sam. Chapter 7 is going to be exciting, and I am ready to turn the page and write it with you.

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